“Let Me take care of all your business.
I shall be the one who will think about them.
I am waiting for nothing else than
your surrender to Me,
and then you do not have to worry any more
about anything.
Say farewell to all fears and discouragement.
Stop being anxious !
I always think of you, but I can help you completely
only when you rely fully on Me
I shall guide you only if you completely
surrender to Me.
And when
I must lead you on a different path than the one that you expect,
I carry you in My arms.”
“I have not got the slightest intention to utilise the Seva Samithis (Service Organisations) for propagating My Name or canvas homage for My Name. No! I am content only when spiritual endeavours and disciplines to elevate and purify man are progressing everywhere. It is only through these that My universal reality will be revealed. So, do not limit Me to the boundaries of any one name and form. Your aim should be to see the self-same God in all the Forms that are worshipped, to picture Him in all the Names, nay, to be conscious of His presence as the inner motivator of every living being, in every particle of matter. Do not fall into the error of considering some to be men worthy of reverence and some unworthy. Sai is in every one; so, all deserve your reverence and service. Propagate this truth; that is the function I assign to the Seva Samithis.”