Name of the Activity

Narayana Seva

Date of the Activity

March 24, 2024

Place of the Activity

Narayana Seva

Service Activities


Brief Write up on Program

Aum Sri Sairam

Event: Narayana Seva

      Narayana Seva which is actually an oppurtunity to feed the Lord Himself. - Baba

Prasadam for Narayana Seva: Lemom rice, Curd rice, Jelabi, Banana.

Activities Undertaken

  Activity was commenced with chanting of Omkaram, Sai Gayatri - Namasmaran, Group devotional Singing -Bhajan's countinued with Offering the food to God(Brahmaarpanam..) and Harithi

   Distritubtion of Prasadam to Narayana's was taken place by our Sevadal. Sevadal with great love and dedication towards lord served the Narayanas.