Name of the Activity


Date of the Activity

Aug. 15, 2023

Brief Write up on Program



Date:  August 15th, 2023

This year the Nation celebrated its 77th Independence Day on 15th August 2023, marking 76 years of freedom.

The independence we celebrate today was finally achieved after enormous struggles by our fighters at the dawn of August 15th, 1947. What exactly does the word 'independence' mean? 
It means we are not dependent on anyone, any longer. We are dependent on ourselves alone. The Indian word is Swatantra for 'Independence.' It means "our Tantra." The word Tantra means "the Heart" (Hrudaya),The yantra ( the machine, the apparatus) is the body. The Mantra (saving formula) is the Breath and the Tantra ( the heart) , the source of life is the Atma. So, Swatantra means independence from everything except the Atma. The resident of the heart is the only Guru. There is no dependence on the others. He is the only Master, the only God. This is the stage of Swarajya, sole monarch of oneself. The word Swaraj, commonly used for an independent state, connotes only absence of worldly dependence. Independence can be enjoyed by man only if he gets rid of bondage to the senses which drag him into tantalising ventures. The attainment of Yoga, involving sense-control, expansion of love, and cleansing the consciousness, so the God's glory may be reflected therein, is the goal.

Recollecting the sacrifices and struggles made by the leaders and the Indian freedom fighters, youth and devotees at Sivam celebrated the day with great pride.

 Around 50 devotees assembled in Sivam for this celebration.
SSSSO Hyderabad District President Sri A.Malleswara Rao Garu hoisted the national flag. All the participants including district coordinators, youth members saluted the flag followed by national anthem.

Do not waste all your years with stone images, pictures or idol. Learn to see in every living vital active person, the embodiment of all energy, all beauty, all beneficence, namely, God. God is subtler than ether, filling the smallest crevice with His majesty. Know this and serve His manifestations wherever you meet them
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.


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