Name of the Activity

Birthday Celebrations Day4 - Evening

Date of the Activity

Nov. 20, 2023

Brief Write up on Program


Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s 98th Birthday Celebrations

Date: 20-11-2023

Day4 – Evening


Vedam Chanting and Jyothi Prakashanam:

The evening festivities commenced with the Divine vibrations of Vedam chanting, creating a spiritual ambiance.

Delegates participated in a traditional lamp lighting ceremony, symbolizing the dispelling of darkness and the invocation of divine blessings.

Sri Sathya Sai Amruta Dhara: Distribution of Sai Protein Biscuits

Sri Sathya Sai Amruta Dhara an Initiative by Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Sivam, Hyderabad, have embarked on a remarkable initiative aimed at supporting underprivileged and undernourished children from various sections of society. This initiative involves providing them with a nutritious dietary supplement known as "Sai Protein." This unique formula was graciously given by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Himself, primarily in a powdered form. With the wholehearted support of Pranava Foods Pvt. Ltd., an enterprise founded by an alumnus of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, this formula has been transformed into biscuits.

These specially crafted biscuits are distributed to children on a daily basis throughout the year. The goal is to supplement their regular diet and contribute to the overall health and well-being of these young individuals. This initiative is an important step towards building a healthier nation by ensuring that even the underprivileged have access to adequate nutrition.

The compassionate efforts of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations in providing "Sai Protein" biscuits demonstrate their commitment to uplifting the less fortunate and promoting the welfare of society.

SRI SAI VENUGANA VIBHAVARI - Flute Recital by Sri Anand Teertha and Team:

A mesmerizing and soulful flute recital titled "SRI SAI VENUGANA VIBHAVARI" was performed by Sri Anand Teertha and his team. The enchanting melodies filled the air, transporting the audience to a realm of divine bliss.

Bhajan Session:

The evening continued with a soul-stirring Bhajan session, where devotees came together to express their devotion through Bhajan songs.

Divine Discourse:

A profound Divine Discourse enriched the gathering, providing spiritual insights and guidance inspired by the teachings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Harathi and Divine Darshan:

The program included the uplifting ritual of Harathi, symbolizing the offering of light and reverence.

Devotees were blessed with the Divine Darshan, experiencing the Divine presence of our beloved Swamy.

Prasadam Distribution:

The evening celebration concluded with the distribution of Prasadam, symbolizing the sharing of Divine blessings with all participants.


The 4th day's evening celebrations were a harmonious blend of spiritual wisdom, devotional music, and the launch of a significant health initiative.

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