As the tree grows, the roots must also grow inwards. The growth of the tree is dependent on the roots inside the ground. Thus, the spiritual wing undertakes activities that are targeted to arouse inspiration and inward vision with a view to developing the urge to connect with the inner core and obtaining clarification to doubts or answers to questions related to spiritual progress of the member. It helps to nurture the inner self and awakening the inherent divinity.

The activities undertaken by the spiritual wing include the following:

(i) Bhajans

(ii) Nagarsankeertan

(iii) Study circles

(iv) Naamsmarana

(v) Japa and Meditation

(vi) Spiritual class or lectures

(vii) Seminars

Code of Conduct

Every member of the Organisation is expected to undertake sadhana (spiritual discipline) as an integral part of this daily life and abide by the following 9 point Code of Conduct which has been ordained by Sri Sathya Sai Baba for one’s spiritual advancement:

1. Daily meditation and prayer.

2. Devotional singing/prayer with members of his family once per week.

3. Participation in the Bal Vikas programmes conducted by the Organisation for children.

4. Attendance at least once per month as group devotional programmes conducted by the Organisation.

5. Participation in community service and other programmes of the Organisation.

6. Regular study of Sai literature.

7. Putting into practice the principles of “ceiling on desires” and utilise any savings thereby generated for the service of mankind.

8. Speaking softly and lovingly with everyone with whom he comes into contact.

9. Not to indulge in talking ill of others especially in their absence.

Ten Principles

I n His discourse at the World Conference on 21 November 1985, Sathya Sai Baba gave the following ten principles to be followed by every member. He directed to follow these directives with enthusiasm and with love and be examples for others, wherever one is.

1. Love and Serve the Motherland; do not hate or hurt the motherland of others.

2. Honour every religion; each is pathway to the one God.

3. Love all men without distinction; know that mankind is a single community.

4. Keep your home and its environs clean; it will ensure health and happiness for you and for society.

5. Do not throw coins when beggars stretch their hands for alms; help them become self-reliant. Provide food and shelter, love and care, for the sick and the aged.

6. Do not tempt other by offering bribes or demean yourself by accepting bribes.

7. Do not develop jealousy, hatred or envy on any account.

8. Do not depend on other to serve your personal needs; become your own servant, before proceeding to serve others.

9. Adore God. Abhor Sin.

10. Observe the laws, rules and regulations laid down by the State and be ideal citizens.